glorycorrie & potamos

Journey our God let natural supernatural adventure with us

Sing to the LORD a new song

„O sing to the Lord a new song, for He has done wonderful things…

 Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth; Break forth and sing for joy and sing praises.” (Psalm 98,1.4)


This verse literally hit me the other day. We are very good in singing God the songs we know, the songs that are written down on paper, in songbooks, in hymn books,… we stick to what is written down, some of us sing louder, others prefer not to sing, because someone might have said “You can’t sing”. But what does this scripture tell us?! Right! It is talking about a NEW song! What is a new song? Right! One that has never been there before. You might say, “I am not a singer. I am not a Poet, I am not a writer, etc.” Guess what, the least of us are, BUT, our heavenly Papa LOVES our worship, He loves when we sing to Him our praises, when we love on HIM with our voices, when we thank Him for who He is and what He has done for us.

There are Millions of songs, melodies, rhythms, symphonies in heaven that are just waiting to be downloaded to earth. We are the vessels God wants to use to bring this NEW song, this new sound, the very sound of HEAVEN to earth.

You don’t have to be a perfect singer to sing, all you have to be is an extravagant lover of the most amazing God! I greatly encourage you, just look to Papa God, see His beauty, open your mouth (don’t be ashamed!!!) and let it flow, in the beginning it might sound funny, just let it flow. It’s just like with everything, we learn and grow as we practice …. Start right now. Sing to HIM a new song!

I have so many stories when God invaded my simple worship, I start singing in tongues and soon after words and melodies fill my spirit that are just so heavenly. I LOVE those moments when He invades my worship. When we sing to Him that new song, we often times even prophesy into out very life situations, calling forth the things He already has ready to bless us with. As we sing it out, we release it. Don’t you want ALL HE has for you?!

Be encouraged and start singing to HIM your new song today!


How desperate are you?

It’s Pentecost. I remember always wondering what Pentecost is anyways as a kid. When I finally understood it I found it interesting how those “little flames” came on everybody’s heads in the upper room, back on that first Pentecost. And guess what there was no difference between male & female – no pink and blue flames – they were all the same and the Holy Spirit fell on ALL flesh in the same way! This just causes a loud shout of HALLELUJAH right from my spirit. God makes NO difference between Men and Women. We are ALL called by HIS spirit! Wow!

“When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place.  Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.  They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them.  All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.”

Acts 2,1-4

 I have been pondering about Jesus disciples the past few days. Have you ever thought about all the things they had to “digest” in those few days. Their beloved Jesus, the Man that taught them EVERYTHING was put to death in the cruelest way ever, they put Him in a grave and while they were still mourning in the Upper Room, Mary came rushing in with the news that an Angel had appeared to her, to tell her that Jesus was resurrected, that He was gone from the grave…Peter rushed there to see it with his own eyes, I guess I would have been doubting what Mary said just like Thomas…. And then while they were walking along the road to Emmaus, chatting away about all that happened in the past days, suddenly Jesus was there with them. I would have been rather confused, I tell you! Can you imagine that? Jesus was with them on the road, then He even ate with them at the Lake …have you ever wondered where that fish went in His resurrected body?!

And then He gave them a big commissioning before he ascended – look it up in Mark 16. Gosh! He even said that His disciples – and us also – would do even greater things than He did?! Jesus! You did the most amazing things ever! How could we do even greater things? We are just Human beings! Wait! Jesus told them to WAIT – He promised them that He was gonna send them the Helper, the Holy Spirit! They didn’t have to do all that from their own strength, that would be impossible anyways. He was gonna send them HIS power through the Holy Spirit. He told them to wait!

Have you ever wondered what the Disciples felt like in those days? They waited in the Upper Room. They knew that Jesus’ promises are true, they got to witness it SO many times. But what if…..?! How long would they have to wait for? What would that Helper look like? How was he gonna come to them? Lots of questions! How would He recognize them? I know, I would have had SO many questions….and Jesus was gone, they could not ask Him anymore. They had to wait….patiently for His promise to be fulfilled.

How are you feeling when God promised you something and you are still waiting for this promise to be fulfilled? Do you trust Him? Are you full of “when?” and “Why do I have to wait to so long?” questions? Believe me, I am SO with you!

You have to be very desperate to trust HIM that He will fulfill ALL that He has promised. He IS faithful, that’s for sure. So, please trust HIM, HE will never let you down nor leave you, HIS word is true and HE will come through with the Promise HE has given you for your life!

I guess the disciples where very surprised with the way the Holy Spirit fell on them. He LOVES to surprise us!

Please, don’t put Him in a box of how you want Him to bless you. Allow Him to bless and fill you the way He wants to, that’s SO much better than our little thinking can imagine! He is BIG and His ideas are plentiful.

Be desperate for HIM, be desperate for ALL He has for you. Let Him fill and refresh you over and over again!

Keep coming Holy Spirit!

The Angel Gospel Choir – Der Engel Gospel Chor

I recently had the spontaneous idea to leave my train to work a station earlier to add some walking to my strength workout I had in the gym a few minutes beforehand. I also wanted to spend time praising God for a few minutes. The day before I had a rather nasty experience with some attempts off someone to be very controlling towards me and to my surprise, that person even manifested a religious spirit. This had left me quite shaken and I just needed some quality time with Daddy God.

Papa God, Jesus and Holy Spirit is just awesome! (Yes, “is” is not a grammar error in this case.)

I had just left the train, started praying in tongues and hummed along to the songs from the Bethel Loft Sessions CD in my ears, when I suddenly had what I can only describe as an open vision. I saw a group of angels and they joined my worship. It is hard to describe how I saw this. But I’m not really worried about what people think about me, reading this. Well, let’s just say it moves me less and less. Haha.

It was a vision, but it happened on 3 levels. Parts of it I saw with my physical eyes, other parts I “saw” inside of me and part of the scenes were kind of described to me on my inside.

Those angels appeared to have dressed up as an old style American Gospel Choir. They were rocking away, dancing, clapping, toe tapping and shouting. It was all there. I was barely able to walk straight; I was laughing so much. And throughout all of that, the Father’s love was just flowing into me. This did me so well. It was very liberating and after the experience from the day before it was just like a healing touch and a time of regeneration.

I’m having a big grin on my face, whilst typing this up.

Maybe you want to leave a comment and share a funny experience you’ve had with God?


Auf dem Weg zur Arbeit hatte ich kürzlich beschlossen auf dem Weg zur Arbeit einen Bahnhof früher auszusteigen um nach dem Fitnessstudio noch ein bisschen zu laufen und während dessen Gott zu loben. Den Tag zuvor hatte ich einiges erlebt bezüglich Kontrolle und die Manifestation eines religiösen Geistes durch eine Person, von der ich das nicht erwartet hatte. Hat mich etwas erschüttert und ich brauchte an diesem neuen Tag einfach Zeit mit Gott.

Papa, Jesus und Heiliger Geist ist der Hammer!

Ich bin kaum aus dem Zug raus und betete in Sprachen und summte zu den Liedern von Bethel Loft Sessions in meinem Ohr, als ich plötzlich eine Art offene Vision hatte. Ich sah eine Gruppe Engel wie sie sich meinem Lobpreis anschlossen. Man kann das hier schlecht beschreiben, aber es kümmert mich auch herzlich wenig, was man über mich denken könnte. Also, es kümmert mich immer weniger, lass mich das mal so sagen. Haha.

Es war eine Vision, aber sie ging auf 3 Ebenen ab. Ich sah Teile davon mit meinen offenen Augen, Teile davon „sah“ ich innerlich und ein Teil der Szene wurde irgendwie in mir beschrieben.

Die Engel hatten sich wie ein typischer amerikanischer Gospel Chor verkleidet und rockten ab. Tanzen, klatschen, stampfen und schreien. Alles dabei. Ich konnte mich kaum auf den Beinen halten vor Lachen. Und während dessen strömte Papas Liebe in mich hinein. Das tat mir so wohl. Es war so sehr befreiend. Nach meinem Erlebnis am Tag davor war das echt heilsam und Erholung pur.

Während ich dies in geschriebene Worte tippe, kommt mir wieder das große Grinsen.

Schreib doch mal im Kommentar ob du auch schon mal so was Lustiges mit Papa erlebt hast.

The Angel in shabby clothes – Der Engel in Lumpen

Every now and then I wanna share about several encounters I had with Angels. They are among us, God is sending them to us to help and support us, I am sure you encountered them, too. So be aware when you experience things that are unusual or you realize “that was the helping hand I needed”. I am sure God sent an angel right in that moment. So here is one of the Angels I encountered….

I was ministering in several churches in South Africa. On a day off the Pastors that hosted me took me on a beautiful day out – we enjoyed our leisure time together, had a great time at our destination and simply enjoyed our time off after a busy week. When we got back to the car we saw the mess. The Pastors Mercedes had a flat tire. Unfortunately he was not able to fix his car himself and the tools Mercedes provided where ridiculous.  The problem was, we had to be back in town by a certain time as we had an appointment for the evening. Time was running away and there we were in the midst of nowhere.

I cried out to God, “Father, send us an Angel that can fix the car no matter what he looks like.” Just a few seconds later two guys showed up in really shabby clothes and asked us if they can help us – wow, actually they looked more like wanting to rob us. But God had sent them, to help us, I thought about my “…no matter what they look like…” prayer in a split second.

With hilarious simple tools they fixed the car in the shortest time and we could travel back home safely and even made it to our evening appointment.

This experience showed me clearly, that God has his helping hands everywhere, ready to support us and we can ask, that He opens our eyes to see them that we may encounter their help in hopeless situations. We can accept their help and get to experience how God fights for us.



Ich werde immer mal wieder über verschiedene Begegnungen mit Engeln schreiben die ich hatte. Sie sind mitten unter uns, Gott sendet sie uns, damit sie uns helfen und uns unterstützen. Ich bin mir sicher, du hast sie auch schon erlebt. Sei aufmerksam wenn du Dinge erlebst die ungewöhnlich sind oder du bemerkst „Das war die helfende Hand die ich brauchte“. Ich bin mir sicher, Gott sandte einen Engel in genau diesem Moment. Hier ist der Engel, dem ich begegnete.

Ich war in Südafrika unterwegs und diente in verschiedenen Gemeinden. An einem freien Tag unternahm das Pastorenehepaar einen schönen Ausflug mit mir, wir genossen das Beisammensein, das was wir uns ansahen und die freie Zeit. Als wir zurück zum Auto kamen, sahen wir das Elend. Das Auto hatte einen Platten. Leider hatte der Pastor, was technische Dinge anging zwei linke Hände und das mitgelieferte Werkzeug erwies sich als Luftnummer. Das Problem war, wir mussten zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt zurück sein in unserer Stadt, da wir am Abend noch eine Verabredung hatten.  Die Zeit rannte davon und wir waren mitten in der Pampa.

Ich schrie zum HERRN, „HERR, schicke uns einen Engel, der uns hilft, egal wie er aussieht.“ Es dauerte nur wenige Sekunden bis zwei junge Männer in Lumpen kamen und fragten, ob sie uns helfen können – wow, sie sahen echt eher so aus, als ob sie uns ausrauben wollen, aber PAPA hatte sie gesandt, uns zu helfen, ich dachte sehr schnell an mein „…egal wie sie aussehen..“ Gebet. In Windeseile und mit einem lächerlichen Binsenbau als Werkzeug zogen sie das Ersatzrad. Wir konnten die Heimreise antreten und schafften es sogar noch pünktlich zu unserer abendlichen Verabredung.

Dieses Erlebnis hat mich sehr deutlich gelehrt, dass Gott Seine Helfer überall im Einsatz hat und wir dürfen darum bitten, dass Er unsere Augen für sie öffnet und wir im jeweiligen Moment, wenn wir in einer ausweglosen Situation sind, ihre Hilfe annehmen und so erleben wie Gott für uns streitet.