glorycorrie & potamos

Journey our God let natural supernatural adventure with us

Testimony: God is NEVER too late

Today I wanna share a testimony with you. Once again God showed me in HIS amazing way that He is never too late.

For many years I have been working in our family business – a bakery. I was trained to be a Pastry Chef but I do many things besides…I work in the store, do all the decorations, come up with new product ideas etc.

Since we found out that I am pregnant, it’s been my prayer that God would send a new Pastry Chef that can do all my work. In the meantime both our Bakers stopped working for us within 3 weeks; we were shocked when we found out that they wanted to leave. So our prayer has not only been to find someone that could replace me, but now we were also in need of more staff….

My belly started growing and work got harder for me, I felt like a snail trying to make it to the mountain top, but the mountain seemed completely out of reach, the demand grew and I had less energy…

But I have experienced SO many times that God is never too late and that he hears the cry of our hearts. First, He sent us a young man who worked as a waiter before, he quickly learned everything and is so happy working for us – what a blessing. Through him our trainee who is quite a challenge starts opening up which is yet a whole other miracle for us!

And now God send us a sweet young lady who started working for us this week. She is calm, working focused and just of a real sweet spirit. I gladly hand over my “baby” (all the pastries) to her. She was sent from heaven and she will do amazing.


Thank you, God! You are SO amazing!


Be encouraged to believe for your breakthrough. God has NOT forgotten you! Nothing is too big and nothing is too small for Him. Remember, He is ALMIGHTY!

Wedding dress shopping with Jesus

Ever since I’ve been a Teenager I loved to dive into the world of weddings with all its glamour and romance. Every now and then I would buy a bridal magazine and loved looking at the various dresses, the wonderful flower arrangements, table decorations and everything else. I began to imagine what my wedding would be like one day. One day I found my absolute dream dress in one of those magazines; I must have been 18 or 19 at the time. I cut the picture out and put it into my Bible to keep it safe and hide it there. From time to time I would take the picture out and take a moment to dream of my wedding and the wonderful dress. After that I would put the picture back to its place.

Quite a few years went by and I was sometimes anxiously wondering if my big day would actually happen at all… And now it is almost here and I’m so happy about this wonderful guy who has been gifted to me by my Father in Heaven.

When Tom proposed to me and we set a date for the wedding I wanted to make sure that one of the first things I took care of was the wedding dress. At the beginning of the year I visited a wedding fair together with a friend of mine who is getting married this year, too. We gathered a lot of ideas and I took a leaflet from one of the booths that advertised wedding dresses.

Bevor I went there for the real appointment, I wanted to go there and have a look how the shop presented itself. It didn’t look very promising. I prayed and asked Jesus to show me in which shop He sees my wedding dress. There are so many bridal shops to choose from and I didn’t really want to run from one to another and try on 100 different dresses, only to find that I still didn’t know which one I liked. I still had this picture of “my dress”. Well, Jesus showed me very clearly that my dress would be found in the not very promising looking store.

To be honest I doubted this and arranged an appointment with another store initially. I went there together with my Mom and took my little picture with me, too. We had only just entered the shop and were almost still on the door step when my enquiry was brushed off with the advice that this kind of style (a dress with arms) is not in fashion at present. Allegedly everyone wants to present their arms and shoulders naked. I was told that I could maybe let a Bolero with the dress. But that didn’t come in line with what I had in mind. At the end of the day it was meant to be “my dress” and the one I would feel the most comfortable in.

We bid the shop farewell and made a spontaneous trip to the other shop which Jesus had shown me and which I didn’t have any hope for at all. We had no agreed appointment with them and it took us a 30 minute trip through Rush Hour traffic to get there. We arrived short before they closed and were asked to take a seat for a moment.

Moments later we were told to go and have a look at the section which presented all the wedding dresses to the customers. It was really very small. And right there it was! “My dress” was hanging there, slightly different than the one on my picture, but it is my dress. I tried it on and love it immediately. We also found the suitable accessories fairly quickly and they fitted very well, too. Both my Mom and the shop assistant were very happy. And the best thing – I had a 30 % Spring discount as well!

This experience has shown me once again that I can trust in Jesus to make everything perfect. Even when I have a different perception of the outward circumstances, His plan is coming together and beginning to work when I trust HIM – HE knows the whole picture!

And now I can’t wait to wear this wonderful dress very soon.

Supernatural peace

„The peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4,7)

Every now and then there are situations in life that steal the peace inside us. Do you experience that, too? Or is it just me? Situations where we react totally unspiritual even though we should know better. Situations where we feel so helpless and alone.

Recently I had such an experience. Over quite some time I had lots of problems with one tooth, after all a root canal treatment had to be done and even that did not really work out the way it is supposed to be. So I was sent to an Oral Surgeon, to cut off the root ends. I must confess I am NOT at all a Fan of Visits at the Dentist and now that … I was quite nervous. Due to several circumstances the surgery date had to be postponed. That did not really fill me with more anticipation for the upcoming surgery. The morning of the surgery I could sense how anxiety rose inside of me.

I did pray that God would be with me and take away my fear, but suddenly I realized, I had not taken over authority over those feelings of fear, authority I have through Christ Jesus. The above verse came to my mind. I spoke by faith and asked the Holy Spirit to fill my heart with His peace. I gave Him all fears and anxiety and trusted Him fully. It was amazing – minutes later I was totally at peace. I sensed how the Holy Spirit filled me and washed away all fear. When the time of the surgery got closer I was SO at peace. Wow! That was quite a lesson for me! I felt HIS presence during the entire surgery and knew I am comforted in HIM. The surgery went really well, there were no complications at all. I am so thankful to my heavenly Daddy for that and also for this “real life” lesson.

Try it out! You will experience that, too. Hand over to God situations that you can’t handle, he will take your hand and guide you through the fog into His glorious light. He is faithful to His promises!

When God steps in – Wenn Gott eingreift

Since Tom and I got engaged, I feel like something completely new has been released in me and it is so exciting to discover that.

A little while back we now set our wedding date – which is SO exciting!!! – and I thought in my naïve thinking that it would be easy to find a venue with 6 months time… but I was SO wrong, I felt a bit like Mary and Joseph must have felt, I got rejected everywhere, all Restaurants and official venues are booked out – literally every weekend, unbelievable. The date we picked for our Wedding has a meaning to us and I just knew in my Spirit that God would make a way. So I gave God our Day and prayed with childlike faith that HE would work a creative miracle, literally opening something up for us that was booked before and to top it – in our favorite location.

In the meantime we’ve been considering to switch to Friday or Sunday, but that would make it harder for our International Guests to come…. I kept believing and then I got to witness how ABBA stepped in and literally created OUR space…. I felt that I must call that one Restaurant again, the same Lady as the week before was on the line (yay!). I told her that I had called a week earlier – she remembered – and asked her about Friday or Sunday in our desired week.

She said “They are both free. But your favorite date was that Saturday, right?”

Me “Yes!“  (inside I was giggling already, knowing what was about to happen – because GOD just rocks!)

She “Well, we do have a 30th birthday reservation, but they didn’t give us any numbers, wait a second, please. I am gonna talk to the boss….. well, you are in!“

All Glory to God, it was SO easy! Just letting GOD do what HE prepared already. That was another “life lesson” for me – to not strive! If God prepared it, he will do it no matter what it is! And I get to watch HIM to do.

Be encouraged Friend – let God be God in your life and follow HIS direction!



Seit Tom und ich verlobt sind, spüre ich, dass in mir etwas vollkommen Neues freigesetzt ist.  Es ist so spannend das zu entdecken.

Vor einer Weile haben wir unseren Hochzeitstermin festgelegt – dass allein ist schon SO spannend!!! – in meinem naiven Denken dachte ich, dass 6 Monate im Voraus bei Weitem ausreichen eine Lokalität zu finden. Aber ich lag vollkommen daneben! Ich fühlte mich ein bisschen wie Maria und Josef sich gefühlt haben müssen, überall bekam ich Absagen, alle Restaurants und Festsäle waren fett ausgebucht – wirklich jedes Wochenende, unglaublich! Das Datum was wir als Hochzeitsdatum ausgesucht haben, hat für uns eine Bedeutung. Ich wusste in meinem Geist, dass Gott einen Weg bahnen würde. Also gab ich Gott unseren Tag ab und betete mit kindlichem Vertrauen, dass ER ein kreatives Wunder wirken würde und etwas frei würde was vorher belegt war – um das Ganze noch zu einem größeren Wunder zu machen – in unserem Wunschlokal.

Mittlerweile überlegten wir auf Freitag oder Sonntag zu gehen, aber dann wäre es für unsere internationalen Gäste schwieriger zu kommen…. Ich glaubte weiter und konnte dann zuschauen wie ABBA einschritt und unseren Platz schuf. Ich spürte dass ich im Wunschlokal erneut anrufen soll, die selbe Dame wie die Woche war am Apparat, ich sagte ihr mein Anliegen, sie erinnerte sich an mich, ich fragte nach Freitag/Sonntag.

Sie sagte, „Das ist beides frei, aber sie wollten am liebsten den Samstag, richtig?”

Ich, “Ja” (in mir fing ich schon an zu jubeln, weil ich wusste was gleich passieren würde – weil Gott einfach genial ist!)

Sie, “nun da steht eine Geburtstagsfeier drin, aber die haben nur erst mal reserviert und wir haben keine weiteren Daten. Moment, ich rede mal mit dem Chef……der Chef sagt, sie können am Samstag hier feiern.”

Alle Ehre sei Gott, es war so leicht! Ich erlaubte Gott einfach das zu tun was Er schon vorbereitet hatte. Das war für mich eine echte „Lebenslektion“ – ich muss mich nicht abmühen. Wenn Gott es vorbereitet hat, wird er es auch tun – ganz egal was es ist! Und ich kann Ihm einfach dabei zuschauen wie Er es tut.

Sei ermutigt, liebe/r Freund/in – erlaube Gott, Gott zu sein in deinem Leben und folge Seiner Richtung!

Healed of cancer / Geheilt von Krebs

„He was pierced through for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities;

The chastening for our well-being fell upon Him, And by His scourging we are healed.” (Isaiah 53,5)

Today I want to share a Healing testimony with you that I experienced first Hand. Last fall my Dad was having problems with his legs until he couldn’t walk anymore, it was scary to see as he is a very active person. After pushing it away for a while he finally went to his Doctor, several tests were done and after a week he was told a very shocking result of those tests – bone cancer and blood cancer. That was a huge shock for the entire family. The Doctor wanted to send him straight to Hospital but he decided to get some time to think about it. We started praying, believing GOD to work a miracle. We had booked a Family holiday in the Mediterranean just a few weeks away and the Doctor forbade my Dad to go, as it “only would get worse there” – this holiday was that “one thing” he was looking forward to in months. He was so discouraged with those medical results – of course! Who wouldn’t be?!

We decided to take him to our Doctor to get a second opinion. The night before this second consultation I was asking God to show us what to do, I was crying out to my Heavenly Father for my earthly Dad to have mercy on him. As I was praying the LORD gave me an initiative how we should pray. He showed me that I must pull out seven swords from my Dads back that were stuck in his bones and call forth a blood transfusion with Jesus’ blood – He shed His precious blood for us so that we are free from sin and sickness.

The next morning I drove to my Dads full of fire, knowing in my Spirit that we were about to witness a divine Miracle. I explained to my Dad, what God had shown me and then did what I saw my Father in heaven do, in Jesus name I pulled out those swords and declared a blood transfusion with the blood of Jesus in my Dads blood. Gods presence was so strong in my Dads kitchen! After that we went to see my Doctor, he took the same tests but more thoroughly, since he is a Christian too – he too prayed with my Dad, anointed him according to James 5,16 and encouraged him to go on this Holiday – he said “that’s the best you can do, you will rather get well there than worse”. So we drove home, praying for the results that we were going to have a week later.

The night before our departure for that holiday the results came in – there was NO sign of cancer in his bones and his blood couldn’t be any better for his age! Hallelujah! Our GOD truly had worked a powerful miracle. My Dad greatly enjoyed that holiday and he was doing better from day to day. He has not felt any pain ever since! Our God is amazing!

Be encouraged, dear friend, God has NOT forgotten you, look to Him, for HIS initiative, what He is doing in your life – in the life of the one you believe for. He is able to do so much more than we can imagine with our limited human understanding.He is limitless! Trust Him!

“Doch er wurde um unserer Übertretungen willen durchbohrt, wegen unserer Missetaten zerschlagen; die Strafe lag auf ihm, damit wir Frieden hätten,

und durch seine Wunden sind wir geheilt worden.“(Jesaja 53,5)

Heute möchte ich ein Heilungszeugnis mit euch teilen, was ich aus erster Hand erlebt habe. Im vergangenen Herbst hatte mein Vater Probleme und Schmerzen in seinen Beinen, es wurde so schlimm, dass er nicht mehr gehen konnte ohne Schmerzen. Es war erschreckend mit anzusehen, da er ein sehr aktiver Mensch ist. Nachdem er es eine Weile von sich geschoben hatte, suchte er seine Hausärztin auf, verschiedene Untersuchungen wurden durchgeführt und nach einigen Tagen bekam er eine schockierende Diagnose – Knochenkrebs und Blutkrebs. Das war ein gewaltiger Schock für die ganze Familie. Die Ärztin wollte ihn direkt ins Krankenhaus einweisen, aber er erbat sich etwas Bedenkzeit. Wir begannen zu beten und zu glauben, dass Gott ein Wunder in ihm vollbringen würde. Wir hatten einen Familienurlaub am Mittelmeer gebucht der kurz bevor stand. Die Ärztin verbot meinem Vater diese Reise, da es „dort nur noch schlimmer werden würde“ – dieser Urlaub war jedoch „das Eine“ worauf sich mein Vater seit Monaten freute. Er war so entmutigt über diese Diagnose – natürlich! Wem ginge es nicht so?!

Wir entschieden uns, ihn für eine zweite Meinung mit zu unserem Arzt zu nehmen. Am Abend vor dem Termin bat ich Gott mir zu zeigen was wir tun sollen, ich schrie zu meinem Himmlischen Vater für meinen irdischen Vater, ihm seine Gnade zu schenken. Während ich betete, gab mir der Herr eine Initiative wie wir beten sollten. Er zeigte mir, dass ich sieben Schwerter aus dem Rücken meines Vaters herausziehen soll, die in seinen Knochen steckten und im Namen Jesu eine Bluttransfusion mit dem Blut Jesu in Existenz rufen soll – Jesus vergoss Sein kostbares Blut für unser Sünde und Krankheit.

Am nächsten Morgen fuhr ich voller Feuer zu meinem Vater, ich wusste in meinem Geist dass wir Zeuge eines gewaltigen Wunders sein würden. Ich erklärte meinem Vater was Gott mir gezeigt hatte und tat dann genau das was ich meinen himmlischen Vater tun sah. In Jesu Namen zog ich diese Schwerter raus und proklamierte eine Bluttransfusion mit dem Blut Jesu im Blut meines Vaters. Gottes Gegenwart war so stark in der Küche meines Vaters! Danach fuhren wir zum Arzt, er führte die gleichen Untersuchungen – nur viel gründlicher – durch, da er auch Christ ist, betete er mit meinem Vater und salbte ihn gemäß Jakobus 5,16. Er ermutigte ihn diese geplante Reise anzutreten, er sagte, „ das ist das Beste was sie tun können, sie werden da eher gesünder als kränker.“ Danach fuhren wir nach Hause und warteten auf die Ergebnisse, die ca. eine Woche dauern würden.

Am Abend vor der Abreise bekamen wir die Diagnose – es gab KEINERLEI Anzeichen von Krebs in den Knochen und sein Blut könnte nicht besser sein für sein Alter. Halleluja! Unser Gott hatte wirklich ein kraftvolles Wunder gewirkt. Mein Vater genoss diesen Urlaub in vollen Zügen, es ging ihm von Tag zu Tag besser. Seither hat er keinerlei Schmerzen. Unser Gott ist klasse!

Sei ermutigt, lieber Freund, Gott hat dich NICHT vergessen. Schau auf Ihn, nach Seiner Initiative, was er in deinem Leben – im Leben dessen für den du glaubst – tun möchte. Er kann so viel mehr tun als wir uns mit unserem begrenzten menschlichem Verstand vorstellen können. Er ist grenzenlos! Vertraue Ihm!

The Angel in shabby clothes – Der Engel in Lumpen

Every now and then I wanna share about several encounters I had with Angels. They are among us, God is sending them to us to help and support us, I am sure you encountered them, too. So be aware when you experience things that are unusual or you realize “that was the helping hand I needed”. I am sure God sent an angel right in that moment. So here is one of the Angels I encountered….

I was ministering in several churches in South Africa. On a day off the Pastors that hosted me took me on a beautiful day out – we enjoyed our leisure time together, had a great time at our destination and simply enjoyed our time off after a busy week. When we got back to the car we saw the mess. The Pastors Mercedes had a flat tire. Unfortunately he was not able to fix his car himself and the tools Mercedes provided where ridiculous.  The problem was, we had to be back in town by a certain time as we had an appointment for the evening. Time was running away and there we were in the midst of nowhere.

I cried out to God, “Father, send us an Angel that can fix the car no matter what he looks like.” Just a few seconds later two guys showed up in really shabby clothes and asked us if they can help us – wow, actually they looked more like wanting to rob us. But God had sent them, to help us, I thought about my “…no matter what they look like…” prayer in a split second.

With hilarious simple tools they fixed the car in the shortest time and we could travel back home safely and even made it to our evening appointment.

This experience showed me clearly, that God has his helping hands everywhere, ready to support us and we can ask, that He opens our eyes to see them that we may encounter their help in hopeless situations. We can accept their help and get to experience how God fights for us.



Ich werde immer mal wieder über verschiedene Begegnungen mit Engeln schreiben die ich hatte. Sie sind mitten unter uns, Gott sendet sie uns, damit sie uns helfen und uns unterstützen. Ich bin mir sicher, du hast sie auch schon erlebt. Sei aufmerksam wenn du Dinge erlebst die ungewöhnlich sind oder du bemerkst „Das war die helfende Hand die ich brauchte“. Ich bin mir sicher, Gott sandte einen Engel in genau diesem Moment. Hier ist der Engel, dem ich begegnete.

Ich war in Südafrika unterwegs und diente in verschiedenen Gemeinden. An einem freien Tag unternahm das Pastorenehepaar einen schönen Ausflug mit mir, wir genossen das Beisammensein, das was wir uns ansahen und die freie Zeit. Als wir zurück zum Auto kamen, sahen wir das Elend. Das Auto hatte einen Platten. Leider hatte der Pastor, was technische Dinge anging zwei linke Hände und das mitgelieferte Werkzeug erwies sich als Luftnummer. Das Problem war, wir mussten zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt zurück sein in unserer Stadt, da wir am Abend noch eine Verabredung hatten.  Die Zeit rannte davon und wir waren mitten in der Pampa.

Ich schrie zum HERRN, „HERR, schicke uns einen Engel, der uns hilft, egal wie er aussieht.“ Es dauerte nur wenige Sekunden bis zwei junge Männer in Lumpen kamen und fragten, ob sie uns helfen können – wow, sie sahen echt eher so aus, als ob sie uns ausrauben wollen, aber PAPA hatte sie gesandt, uns zu helfen, ich dachte sehr schnell an mein „…egal wie sie aussehen..“ Gebet. In Windeseile und mit einem lächerlichen Binsenbau als Werkzeug zogen sie das Ersatzrad. Wir konnten die Heimreise antreten und schafften es sogar noch pünktlich zu unserer abendlichen Verabredung.

Dieses Erlebnis hat mich sehr deutlich gelehrt, dass Gott Seine Helfer überall im Einsatz hat und wir dürfen darum bitten, dass Er unsere Augen für sie öffnet und wir im jeweiligen Moment, wenn wir in einer ausweglosen Situation sind, ihre Hilfe annehmen und so erleben wie Gott für uns streitet.

Broken Arrow – Zerbrochener Pfeil

A couple years ago I was in the States and got introduced to the Native American Culture. I was fascinated by the symbolism and how so many things are SO prophetic. We went to a Native church – it was loud, it was fun and such a great experience.

While driving through the streets one day I saw a Sign of a Town called “Broken Arrow”. Since I now knew that everything had a meaning I asked what that stands for – I was told “Broken Arrow” means “Broken Trust”. For some reason that pierced my heart, a city called after the pain of a broken commitment, living under that “curse”. God spoke to me, how often we experience that in our lives that our Trust is broken. We trust someone with all our hearts and then they betray us and break their commitment, their promise.

Hebrews 10:35 says:

“Therefore, do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward.” (New American Standard)

It’s our choice to forgive those who broke our trust, but if we choose to do that, not only they are free of our judgement but also we are free of bitterness and hurt and can ask God to help us trust again and not keep stepping back into that old “broken arrow” pain – we are free to step out into new ways of trust. Its not happening in seconds that we are free of deep wounds and pain that were done against us. But as little children of our amazing Father we can come to Him, bring HIM our pain and sorrow and HE is so happy to heal our wounded hearts, to not only fix that broken arrow again, but give us a whole new set of arrows that are way better than the old set we had. He gives us His best. He loves us and loves to bless us with His best. The heavenly store houses are full of blessings for us and we better get ‘em! I want that best set of arrows that shoots way better than any I ever had before. Come along and get what belongs to you – healing, freedom, love, peace, joy,…and SO much more!


Vor einigen Jahren war ich in Amerika und lernte die indianische Kultur etwas kennen. Ich war fasziniert über die Symbolik, so vieles darin ist SO prophetisch. Wir besuchten eine indianische Gemeinde – es war laut, fröhlich und ein tolles Erlebnis.

Während wir eines Tages durch die Straßen fuhren, sah ich ein Straßenschild für eine Stadt namens „Zerbrochener Pfeil“. Da ich nun wusste, dass alles eine Bedeutung hat, fragte ich nach, was dies bedeutete – mir wurde erklärt, dass „Zerbrochener Pfeil“ für „Gebrochenes Vertrauen“ steht. Das traf mich mitten ins Herz, eine Stadt, die nach dem Schmerz eines zerbrochenen Versprechens benannt wurde und unter diesem „Fluch“ lebt. Gott sprach zu mir – wie oft erleben wir es in unserem Leben, dass unser Vertrauen missbraucht bzw. verletzt wird. Wir vertrauen jemand von ganzem Herz und dann wird unser Vertrauen gebrochen, sie brechen ihr Versprechen und verletzten uns.

Hebräer 10:35 sagt:

„Werft nun euer Vertrauen nicht weg! Es wird sich erfüllen, worauf ihr hofft.“ (Hoffnung für alle)

Es ist unsere Entscheidung denen zu vergeben, die unser Vertrauen missbraucht haben, wir befreien nicht nur sie von unserem Urteil sondern auch wir sind dann frei von Bitterkeit und Schmerz und können Gott bitten uns zu helfen, wieder zu vertrauen, um nicht wieder zurück in den „zerbrochenen Pfeil“ Schmerz zu rutschen – wir sind frei neue Pfade des Vertrauens zu betreten. Das passiert nicht in Sekunden, dass wir völlig frei sind von tiefen Wunden und Verletzungen, die uns zugefügt wurden. Aber als Kinder unseres wunderbaren Vaters dürfen wir zu Ihm kommen, dürfen IHM unseren Schmerz bringen. Er freut sich darüber wenn Er unser verwundetes Herz heilen kann, er repariert nicht nur den kaputten Pfeil, sondern Er gibt uns einen ganzen neuen Satz Pfeile, die viel besser sind als die Alten. Er gibt uns Sein Bestes. Er liebt uns und Er liebt es, uns mit Seinem Besten zu segnen. Die himmlischen Lagerhäuser sind voll mit Segnungen für uns und wir holen sie uns besser ab! Ich möchte den besten Satz Pfeile haben, die viel besser treffen als die, die ich vorher hatte. Komm mit und hol dir ab was dir gehört – Heilung, Freiheit, Liebe, Frieden, Freude …und SO viel mehr!